Image effects methods
Image *AdaptiveThresholdImage( Image *image, const unsigned long width, const unsigned long height, const unsigned long unsigned long, ExceptionInfo *exception );
AdaptiveThresholdImage() selects an individual threshold for each pixel based on the range of intensity values in its local neighborhood. This allows for thresholding of an image whose global intensity histogram doesn't contain distinctive peaks.
The format of the AdaptiveThresholdImage method is:
Image *AdaptiveThresholdImage( Image *image, const unsigned long width, const unsigned long height, const unsigned long unsigned long, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- width:
The width of the local neighborhood.
- height:
The height of the local neighborhood.
- offset:
The mean offset.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *AddNoiseImage( const Image *image, const NoiseType noise_type, ExceptionInfo *exception );
AddNoiseImage() adds random noise to the image.
The format of the AddNoiseImage method is:
Image *AddNoiseImage( const Image *image, const NoiseType noise_type, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- noise_type:
The type of noise: Uniform, Gaussian, Multiplicative, Impulse, Laplacian, Poisson, or Random.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *AddNoiseImageChannel( const Image *image, const ChannelType channel, const NoiseType noise_type, ExceptionInfo *exception );
AddNoiseImageChannel() adds random noise to one image channel.
The format of the AddNoiseImageChannel method is:
Image *AddNoiseImageChannel( const Image *image, const ChannelType channel, const NoiseType noise_type, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- channel:
The image channel to apply noise to.
- noise_type:
The type of noise: Uniform, Gaussian, Multiplicative, Impulse, Laplacian, Poisson, or Random.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickPassFail BlackThresholdImage( Image *image, const char *thresholds );
BlackThresholdImage() adjusts the levels of image channels such that values below a specified threshold are set to the minimum value (black) while the remaining pixels are unchanged.
The format of the BlackThresholdImage method is:
MagickPassFail BlackThresholdImage( Image *image, const char *thresholds );
A description of each parameter follows:
- image:
The image.
- thresholds:
Channel thresholds which are specified as a comma delimited list containing the thresholds for red, green, blue, and opacity. If the list contains a percent symbol (%) then all values are treated as a percentage of MaxRGB.
Image *BlurImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
BlurImage() blurs an image. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and BlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
The format of the BlurImage method is:
Image *BlurImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- radius:
The radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
- sigma:
The standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *BlurImageChannel( const Image *image, const ChannelType channel, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
BlurImageChannel() blurs the specified image channel. We convolve the image channel with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and BlurImageChannel() selects a suitable radius for you.
The format of the BlurImageChannel method is:
Image *BlurImageChannel( const Image *image, const ChannelType channel, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- channel:
The channel to blur.
- radius:
The radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
- sigma:
The standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickPassFail ChannelThresholdImage( Image *image, const char *threshold );
ChannelThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based on the level of each pixel channel. The result sets the affected channels to the minimum or maximum channel value. A negative threshold value disables thresholding for that channel. Append a percent symbol to have threshold values automatically scaled from a percentage to MaxRGB.
Invoked by the '-threshold' option.
The format of the ChannelThresholdImage method is:
MagickPassFail ChannelThresholdImage( Image *image, const char *threshold );
A description of each parameter follows:
- image:
The image.
- threshold:
define the threshold values, <red>{<green>,<blue>,<opacity>}{%}.
Image *ConvolveImage( const Image *image, const unsigned int order, const double *kernel, ExceptionInfo *exception );
ConvolveImage() applies a custom convolution kernel to the image.
The format of the ConvolveImage method is:
Image *ConvolveImage( const Image *image, const unsigned int order, const double *kernel, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- order:
The number of columns and rows in the filter kernel.
- kernel:
An array of double representing the convolution kernel.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *DespeckleImage( const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception );
Despeckle() reduces the speckle noise in an image while preserving the edges of the original image.
The format of the DespeckleImage method is:
Image *DespeckleImage( const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception );
A description of each parameter follows:
- image:
The image.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *EdgeImage( const Image *image, const double radius, ExceptionInfo *exception );
EdgeImage() finds edges in an image. Radius defines the radius of the convolution filter. Use a radius of 0 and Edge() selects a suitable radius for you.
The format of the EdgeImage method is:
Image *EdgeImage( const Image *image, const double radius, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- radius:
the radius of the pixel neighborhood.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *EmbossImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
EmbossImage() returns a grayscale image with a three-dimensional effect. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and Emboss() selects a suitable radius for you.
The format of the EmbossImage method is:
Image *EmbossImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- radius:
the radius of the pixel neighborhood.
- sigma:
The standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *EnhanceImage( const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception );
EnhanceImage() applies a digital filter to the image color channels that improves the quality of a noisy image. The opacity channel is preserved but is otherwise ignored.
The format of the EnhanceImage method is:
Image *EnhanceImage( const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception );
A description of each parameter follows:
- image:
The image.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *GaussianBlurImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
GaussianBlurImage() blurs an image. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and GaussianBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you
The format of the GaussianBlurImage method is:
Image *GaussianBlurImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- blur_image:
Method GaussianBlurImage returns a pointer to the image after it is blur. A null image is returned if there is a memory shortage.
- image:
Image to blur.
- radius:
the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
- sigma:
the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *GaussianBlurImageChannel( const Image *image, const ChannelType channel, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
GaussianBlurImageChannel() blurs an image channel. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and GaussianBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
The format of the GaussianBlurImageChannel method is:
Image *GaussianBlurImageChannel( const Image *image, const ChannelType channel, const double radius, const double sigma, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- blur_image:
Method GaussianBlurImage returns a pointer to the image after it is blur. A null image is returned if there is a memory shortage.
- image:
Image to blur.
- channel:
Channel to blur in image.
- radius:
the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
- sigma:
the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *MedianFilterImage( const Image *image, const double radius, ExceptionInfo *exception );
MedianFilterImage() applies a digital filter that improves the quality of a noisy image. Each pixel is replaced by the median in a set of neighboring pixels as defined by radius.
The algorithm was contributed by Mike Edmonds and implements an insertion sort for selecting median color-channel values. For more on this algorithm see "Skip Lists: A probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees" by William Pugh in the June 1990 of Communications of the ACM.
The format of the MedianFilterImage method is:
Image *MedianFilterImage( const Image *image, const double radius, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- radius:
The radius of the pixel neighborhood.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *MotionBlurImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, const double angle, ExceptionInfo *exception );
MotionBlurImage() simulates motion blur. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and MotionBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you. Angle gives the angle of the blurring motion (direction object appears to be coming from).
Andrew Protano contributed this effect.
The format of the MotionBlurImage method is:
Image *MotionBlurImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, const double angle, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- radius:
The radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
- sigma:
The standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
- angle:
Apply the effect along this angle.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
unsigned int RandomChannelThresholdImage( Image *image, const char *channel, const char *thresholds, ExceptionInfo *exception );
RandomChannelThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to a random threshold. The result is a low-contrast, two color image.
The format of the RandomChannelThresholdImage method is:
unsigned int RandomChannelThresholdImage( Image *image, const char *channel, const char *thresholds, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- channel:
The channel or channels to be thresholded.
- thresholds:
a geometry string containing LOWxHIGH thresholds. If the string contains 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, or 7x7, then an ordered dither of order 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 will be performed instead.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *ReduceNoiseImage( const Image *image, const double radius, ExceptionInfo *exception );
ReduceNoiseImage() smooths the contours of an image while still preserving edge information. The algorithm works by replacing each pixel with its neighbor closest in value. A neighbor is defined by radius. Use a radius of 0 and ReduceNoise() selects a suitable radius for you.
The format of the ReduceNoiseImage method is:
Image *ReduceNoiseImage( const Image *image, const double radius, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- radius:
The radius of the pixel neighborhood.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *ShadeImage( const Image *image, const unsigned int gray, double azimuth, double elevation, ExceptionInfo *exception );
ShadeImage() shines a distant light on an image to create a three-dimensional effect. You control the positioning of the light with azimuth and elevation; azimuth is measured in degrees off the x axis and elevation is measured in pixels above the Z axis.
The format of the ShadeImage method is:
Image *ShadeImage( const Image *image, const unsigned int gray, double azimuth, double elevation, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- gray:
A value other than zero shades the intensity of each pixel.
- azimuth, elevation:
Define the light source direction.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *SpreadImage( const Image *image, const unsigned int radius, ExceptionInfo *exception );
SpreadImage() is a special effects method that randomly displaces each pixel in a block defined by the radius parameter. Useful values are 1 to than less than 100.
The format of the SpreadImage method is:
Image *SpreadImage( const Image *image, const unsigned int radius, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- radius:
Choose a random pixel in a neighborhood of this extent.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickPassFail ThresholdImage( Image *image, const double threshold );
ThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to a specified threshold. Values greater than the threshold are set to the maximum quantum value, and values equal to or below the threshold are set to the minimum quantum value. The result is a high-contrast, two color image.
The format of the ThresholdImage method is:
MagickPassFail ThresholdImage( Image *image, const double threshold );
A description of each parameter follows:
- image:
The image.
- threshold:
Define the threshold value
Image *UnsharpMaskImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, const double amount, const double threshold, ExceptionInfo *exception );
UnsharpMaskImage() sharpens an image. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and UnsharpMaskImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
The format of the UnsharpMaskImage method is:
Image *UnsharpMaskImage( const Image *image, const double radius, const double sigma, const double amount, const double threshold, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- radius:
The radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
- sigma:
The standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
- amount:
The percentage of the difference between the original and the blur image that is added back into the original.
- threshold:
The threshold in pixels needed to apply the difference amount.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *UnsharpMaskImageChannel( const Image *image, const ChannelType channel, const double radius, const double sigma, const double amount, const double threshold, ExceptionInfo *exception );
UnsharpMaskImageChannel() sharpens an image channel. We convolve the image channel with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and UnsharpMaskImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
The format of the UnsharpMaskImageChannel method is:
Image *UnsharpMaskImageChannel( const Image *image, const ChannelType channel, const double radius, const double sigma, const double amount, const double threshold, ExceptionInfo *exception );
- image:
The image.
- channel:
The channel to sharpen.
- radius:
The radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
- sigma:
The standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
- amount:
The percentage of the difference between the original and the blur image that is added back into the original.
- threshold:
The threshold in pixels needed to apply the difference amount.
- exception:
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickPassFail WhiteThresholdImage( Image *image, const char *thresholds );
WhiteThresholdImage() adjusts the levels of image channels such that values above a specified threshold are set to the maximum value (white) while the remaining pixels are unchanged.
The format of the WhiteThresholdImage method is:
MagickPassFail WhiteThresholdImage( Image *image, const char *thresholds );
A description of each parameter follows:
- image:
The image.
- thresholds:
Channel thresholds which are specified as a comma delimited list containing the thresholds for red, green, blue, and opacity. If the list contains a percent symbol (%) then all values are treated as a percentage of MaxRGB.